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Men’s grooming is one of the fastest growing segments in the beauty industry. Image courtesy of Chicago Tribune
Men’s grooming is one of the fastest growing segments in the beauty industry. Image courtesy of Chicago Tribune
The Hellmann’s campaign is possibly the best shopper marketing campaigns to date
The Hellmann’s campaign is possibly the best shopper marketing campaigns to date
Brandsintrade has developed a 95-question online survey tool to tighten brand, consumer and shopper processes.
Brandsintrade has developed a 95-question online survey tool to tighten brand, consumer and shopper processes.

King of The Till Report compiled by Jason Frichol (Frich)*


Jul 5th 2012, 07:23

Dads are Having More Influence on Grocery Shopping

The Father Shopper is gaining momentum and attention as a segment that brands and retailers must focus on. Another study, the 2012 Cone Communications Year of the Dad Trend Tracker says that more than a third of moms admit that Dads have more influence on grocery shopping than ever before. 52% of dads now claim that they are the primary grocer shopper.

International Cuisine

The Aisle Online

Integrated Marketing Services have released a report stating that online grocery shopping is finally gaining sustained traction. According to the U.S. Dept of Commerce online shoppers spent $8.7 billion on health & personal care and $4.4 billion on food and beverages which comes in at approximately 2% of all consumer packaged goods sales.

Don’t Call It Makeup

Men’s grooming is one of the fastest growing segments in the beauty category. Mintel forecast that this segment will hit $3.2 Billion by 2016 and the NPD Group says that a quarter of males are participating in the category and are much more brand loyal than their female counterparts.

Is this the best shopper marketing campaign to date?

This must be one of the best shopper campaigns to date. Hellman’s takes recipe solutions to the pinnacle.

Local Community

Do we shop unconsciously? Mike Anthony offers simple ways to find and create shopper insights. Brandsintrade has developed a online survey tool to tighten brand, consumer and shopper processes.

Retail Factor

• Over half of Shoprite shoppers use taxis and buses when doing their grocery shop (Roots 2010)54% of consumers have shopped for at least some groceries online, spending an average of 4% of their grocery budgets (Source: Booz & Co)78% of grocery shoppers seek discounts often, up from 61% in 2008 (Source: Booz & Co)

• 78% of grocery shoppers are comfortable buying store brands, up from 64% in 2008 (Source: Booz & Co)

“Much of the discussion among marketers about the so-called 'multi-channel shopper' has focused almost exclusively on the channel and hardly at all on the shopper.” - Dr Alan Treadgold, Leo Burnett 

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